we The best
Why Al Hanouf Company?

Leadership in serving the guests of God by creating development and investment opportunities that reflect the quality and excellence of the services provided.

Advancing and upgrading all services and programs provided to the pilgrims, based on their professional expertise and human and financial resources, raising the efficiency of investing available resources, and creating effective partnerships to achieve and enhance institutional work worthy of its status.

institutional values
Al-Hinouf Al-Qarat is a specialized company that provides all services for pilgrims from their arrival at Saudi Arabia airport until they leave safely to their homes.
We deliver residential tents fully equipped with all facilities (electricity, water, and air conditioning) at Pilgrimage stations, added to transportation throughout the visit.
Our services

We are with you from idea to anniversary.
From the time you come to your mind to perform the Hajj, through performing the rituals, until your return, carrying wonderful memories of performing the rituals, God has honored you with an acceptable Hajj and a commendable effort.